Friday, July 31, 2009

Tattoo Meaning - Eagle Tattoos

The eagle tattoo is a typical male tattoo design that crosses over a significant number of tattoo genres, and the influence of the eagle in American tattooing cannot be underestimated. A significant number of military and patriotic service tattoos prominently feature eagles.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tattoo Meaning - Celtic Tattoo

The Celtic tattoo designs are primarily a genre of complex interwoven lines representing knots, mazes, spirals and other figures. Celtic knot designs while at first and foremost decorative on the surface, are at their roots very culturally significant and deeply symbolic and are a distinctive way for people to express their Celtic heritage with some personal body art.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tattoo Ideas - Geeks

There are so many Tattoo Idea that everyone can think of. But the think that importantly considered is the tattoo idea that can present your personality. These are the following ideas that i can share you.

If you are a Geek looking for a tattoo then you can try the following.

Computer tattoos:

Number or Math Tattoo:

PS. I will add up tommorow!

The Chopper Tattoo Blog

Tattoos on skin have become one of the most popular way to express feelings and personality. Also same as with this new blog of mine, dedicated for all of you out there tattoo aficionados and enthusiasts as well. This blog will feature tattoo designs, tattoo artists, the best way to get a tattoo, and the thinks you should consider on choosing and having a tattoo on you skin. Subscribe now to get the latest update and infos about the Chopper Tattoo Blog.