Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dharma Wheel Tattoo Design

If you are a a Buddhist or even just a fan, then the Dharma Wheel Tattoo is a suitable tattoo design for you. The Dharma Wheel Tattoo is a great symbolism of Buddhism. As such, it is a powerful tattoo design, potent with symbolism.

The Dharma is base on the teaching of the Buddhism. The Early Buddhists visualized their master’s teachings as a wheel that would roll through a person’s life inspiring radical spiritual change.

If we deconstruct the Dharma Wheel into its main parts, we have the hub, the spokes, and the rim. The hub symbolizes the moral discipline necessary to calm the mind – the spokes represent the wisdom needed to combat ignorance – and the rim suggests the concentration or mindfulness that holds the whole psychic assembly or structure together. Putting the wheel back together again, we recognize first and foremost its circular shape, which signifies the perfection of the dharma itself.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dagger Tattoo Design

Dagger Tattoo is also one of the most popular and most used sysmbol for tattooing. Dagger have been used for a very long time since the ancient Aztecs, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Persia and many other cultures. Dagger were used to kill animals on special altars to sacrifice them to the Gods. With the blood and the dagger combined, it is an extraordinarily powerful image and a very potent symbol. At its most primal level, the knife or dagger represents Death.

The Symbol of dagger with a Dripping Blood symbolizes, "I have a knife and I am not afraid to use it." On other words, the design symbolizes the willingness to take action, to be bold and fearless. And to strike fear into the hearts of others. It is the sign of a person not to be taken lightly. While the dagger though a Skull symbolizes Death. This tattoo is often used as an amulet or talisman for protection.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tattoo Meaning - Celtic Cross Tattoo Design

The Celtic Ctoss Tattoo are very popular amongst the Irish, Scottish, or Welsh as this tattoo originated from these culture. As this tattoo is very popular, there is also the complexity of the design of this tattoo. Some said that the design of the Celtic Cross Tattoo is based on the complexity of nature and it uses Celtic knots in spirals and mazes, the intricate interweaving showing no beginning and no end, reflective of the cycles of the seasons and of life. With the religion and faith was added it becomes a Celtic Cross Tattoo.

The Celtic Cross Tattoo as symbolic expressions, the circle and the cross could not be more different. One is mystical while the other is almost geographical. The circle is a symbol of eternity and the endlessness of God’s love, while the cross relates to the four directions, or four corners of the Earth (or perhaps the four elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water), while the axes coming together imply the joining of forces such as Heaven and Earth.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Anarchy Design Tattoos

Anarchy Tattoo, used by many and social groups. Anarchy is symbolized by letter O and A and it means O for order and A for Anarchy. If you combined this two words means Anarchy is Order. With that meaning, it became popular as a tattoo not just for individual but also with social groups such as punks, skin-heads and the gay community. The Anarchy Tattoo Symbol also used as a protest for the Globalization and Industrialization of the world.

Other symbols of anarchy have been the extensive use of the colour black, as used in black flags, black crosses and black cats; a symbol of a raised clenched fist, and a number of variations on the Jolly Roger or Skull and Crossed Bones, the chosen flag of pirates who sailed for no nation but themselves.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Barcode Tattoo

Used primarily at inventory control and price checking that operates by using an optical scanner to read a series of vertical lines on a production most of the department stores.

Barcode Tattoo is not meant to be a tattoo design because it looks ironic. Wearing a barcode tattoo mey be a warning that if we are not careful as a culture, we are all in danger of becoming products ourselves. A barcode tattoo is also a protest against a culture where it seems that everyone wears the same clothes, listens to the same music and uses the same products. A barcode tattoo is a statement against a culture of commodities and a celebration of diversity and the uniqueness of the individual.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Heart Tattoos

Heart Tattoo is one of the classic tattoo designs. Considered as a standard for a tattoo. The heart tattoo, which has a shape like an inverted triangle, and meant to symbolize the pubic triangle, is a universal symbol of the feminine, often used as an expression of romantic love.

It has bee a popular tattoo symbol for over a century, the Heart tattoos is definitely one of the most popular. Heart tattoos with banners were very popular with Servicemen in WWII; tokens of their loved ones that accompanied them on perilous journeys to far-off theaters of conflict and a constant reminder of what they were fighting for.